Monday, July 27, 2009


Those videos about multimedia were so cool. I hope I'm alive when they finally perfect them. There is less button pushing and more talking. It's like having a small conversation with your TV or phone, that's pretty wierd. Some of these things do kind of exist so this is technically the future but now. Like the GPS that tells you whre to go although it's not as effective as the one in the video you can telll that it is more advanced.There is also ipod connectors in cars now with what seems like wireless earpieces and guess what IN THE FUTURE there won't be any loud parties next door it will be as quiet as a mouse or is it so quiet that you'll be able to hearv a mouse.................. oh I don't know. My favourite was the phone/table. You can transfer music, images and find out directions to somewhere all on the thing that you put your cup of coffee on.
1. I use multimedia with-









2.One piece of multimedia I can't live without


Mobile phone technology is getting more advanced all the time soon you'll be able to do everything on it. Now you can surf the internet, make video calls, take photos, take videos, bluetooth music, get directions and much, much more. Soon you'll be able to stick it under your armpit and it'll tell you if you have fever. That would be wierd. You can do so much on your phone that teacher's convascate it.

3. I think the second video will come true in THE FUTURE...... Maybe some disadvatages would be the fact that people may get to caught up in this technology and focus on it rather than more important things like homework especially for teenagers. Another disadvantage would be that people use this technology so much they laze around all day and do nothing increasing the level of obesity and less social life across the globe. An advantage may be that it would assist us and help us be more organized and on time for our meetings and such. Another advantage would be is that it's fun to use and you get interested and it would inspire people to try and find out more about it.

Friday, July 17, 2009

I had no Idea what I was getting Into!

Who would've thought that painting your room could be so hard.

Step 1-Get all of your stuff out of your room

Well this is harder than it sounds, first you have to clean out your wardrobe. I found stuff that I never knew existed and so many clothes that din't even fit me. Then it's time for underneath the bed-well I guess I'm much bigger then I used to be when I was 5.
Warning-You may get stuck underneath if unaware of your size.
I wish I had that warning before I decided to go under there. Then it's time for your bookcase-There is sooooooo much knowledge at the bookcase but so little time to read them. Next it's time for your desk,
more books,
MmmmmmmMMMmmm Pizza- No just another book
Another Warning-Make sure you have plenty of boxes and Bags
I filled a mixture of at least 15 bags and boxes. I know................. what am I going to use 15 bags and boxes for.
Another Another Warning- Don't keep stuff you know you'll never use-chuck it out.
I haven't actually started painting yet but I'll let you know any other WARNINGS I come across.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Turn on the News, Will You!

This is me attempting to put the video for the assignment onto a post. I hope you like it.

Story Board - Just News Us!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It's my Lucky Day!!

Today I finished the actual movie and saved it as a movie on moviemaker. I was a bit worried because some other people's movies wouldn'y save but I guess it is my lucky day. I saved it as best quality first and then the second as a 218kbps. I don't know why we had to save it as 218kbps because it is really bad quality. I wasn't quite sure how to put it on a CD. My first try I tried to send it to the CD, that didn't work. The second time I tried to save it to the CD but guess what all you had to do was click and drag the saved files to the CD and let it do it's thing. I think it's my lucky day.