1.)What is the function of a CPU?
It is a Central Processing Unit or a microprocessor is like a computer engine that performs different methods and calculations all within a single chip.
2.)What was the name of the first CPU?
Intel 4004 which was used in 1971. It wasn't very powerful all it could do was add and subtract and it was very slow because it could only do maths 4 bits at a time.
3.)Referring to the graph on page 2 of the article, describe how the speed of CPU's has changed.
All of the features have increased to perform more things ata faster rate. For example in 1974 the clock speed was 2MHz and it's name was 8080 this means 2 milliopn cycles per second. Compared to 2004 the Pentium 4 "Prescott" is 3.6 GHz which is 3.6 billion cycles per second. WOooooooWWW
4.)What does MIPS measure?
It stands for Millions of Instructions Per Second. Wow it's like one day when the teachers will try to shove heaps and heaps and heaps and heaps of information in our minds per second. I reckon our brains would explode. It measures the performance of the CPU. Just like judges.
5.) A dual Core Processor is a CPU that has 2 execution cores that work independently all in one chip. Since they are independent workers and not in a group if one fails the other can pick the program that is opened right back up again. This is why the execution cores are really good at multitasking which is when the CPU can perform different jobs and run different programs at the same time.
The Intel Atom.
Oh my Gosh................it is so samll less than 26mm in area. It is designed to be able to have the internet cappability of a normal computer, to last long so there is no need to charge it up. It is used in the latest mobile internet devices including netbooks and nettops. It has a massive amount of power for a tiny little thing and the company think it will be a big hit.