Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How to Catch a frisbee!!

This is a brainstorm of ideas I have on the idea for my assignment

The main charcter of the game is going to have a dog running on a beach that the game player can control it with the arrows.

The aim of the game is to make the dog run around on one level of the screen and get the blue frisbee that flies around the screen bouncing off the edges of the screen. I'm not sure if it should fly around random parts of the screen or just on one level. It probably would be easier and less complicated for me to make if it was on one level.

The game player would earn points by making the dog catch the frisbee in it's mouth by pressing the spacebar to jump as the dog is one level and can't run through the sky. The dog will then return it to the owner standing on the other side of the screen who will only appear when the dog has actually caught the frisbee. When you catch the frisbee each time it will earn you 1 point. So the game lasts longer when you earn 3 points on that level you will proceed to the next level. In each level the background will be different and the fisbee behaving in a different way.

1st level-very easy, slow frisbee on 1 level of the screen

2nd level-frisbee moderate speed, frisbee still on 1 level of the screen

3rd level-frisbee fast, frisbee still on 1 level of the screen.

4th level-frisbee moderate speed alternating between 2 levels of the screen as well as going side to side

5th level-frisbee very fast and alternating between 2 levels of the screen and maybe the dog has to find the owner by answering some sort of yes or no question.

OMG...A flying hippo!!

This was a funny tutorial because I got to make animals talk and I understood them like Doctor DoLittle. All I did was insert a background and 2 sprites. I then made a script for the duck to talk when the person clicked it. So it wasn't too fast or too slow I just made the words viewed for a 2 second period of time.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Control the Kitty OR Kitty go Crazy!

This tutorial was fun and Very simple. I just chose the key to choose, the direction it had to point in when that arrow was pressed. I needed it to actually move when it was pressed. I didn't want to make it move too fast so I said it should go 10 steps. I also did some editing to the background and made it look like the cat was walking on top of something.

Parrot flying.....flying Parrot

This was a pretty easy task compared to the shark and fish. All I did was find the 2 costumes of the parrot make them switch but wait between each so it wouldn'tgo too fast. Again I had to make sure it wasn't on the rotate button but on the only face left or right buttton. It worked well but I need to find a way to make it smoother as it seems to be hesitating between every switch of the costumes. To do this I made the wait between costumes a bit shorter and had the parrot take more steps.
To make it a bit more interesting I added a background as well.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Chomp, Chomp

This tutorial was a bit difficult but I discovered that if you double click on the score on the stage you have 3 options for what it looks like. One is just a number by itself, another says score and the actual score next to it, and another is where you can set the score back to 0.

Firstly, I imported the shark and the small fish. I had to make a variable which I named score. I then just made it randomly run around every where but not to randomly so I changed the pick random from 30 to 20 degrees. So both the fish and shark wouldn't fly off the edge I put an if on edge bounce block in. I then made the score cange by 1, the small fish scream and the shark to wait and move back -100 steps to let the small fish get away again. This was all done when the shark or the small fish bumped into each other.

The script was different for the shark and the fish. The small fish was simpler and it differed from the shark as I had to make the shark slower than the fish so it had acjance to catch it but faster by moving it 8 steps compared to the fish who was 5. I also made the shark scream instead of the small fish but it still worked anyway. So they wouldn't swim into no man's land and off the underwater stage I made them bounce if they touch the edge. I know that fish can't swim upside down so I had to make sure the 'only face left or right button' was clicked above the scripts and not the 'can rotate' button.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Round and ROund we go!!

This one is so hilarious, who knew making a squirells head go round and round could be so much fun. This one was very simple all I did was make the squirells head move wherever the mouse was. The blue option called sensing only works when it is joined in with something like the mouse x with set whirl effect. So it didn't only whirl once I made it go forever.


This was so cool I really liked it. Instead of making a ghost glide I made a buttterfly glide because I realised that some sprites don't change colour like ghosts. I wanted to make the sprite change colour every time it hit an edge and the butterfly would change colour. I mad ethe gliding go forever and after I entered the co-ordinates and seconds I wanted it to glide for or how fast I wanted it to go I put the change colour after every one. I imported a flower background so it looked like the butterfly was sitting on each of the flowers.

Cat and Mouse

I thought this cat and mouse one was too good not to take
a screen shot of. I was only meant to make the run but cats don't run when they're not chasing something becuase they are lazy. So I drew a mouse and made it the 'cat' of the tutorial as I made the mouse do the same steps as the cat. Point towards mouse but I
said to move 10 steps instead of 3 steps so it was fair and I made that go forever when clicked. I then made the cat instead of following the mouse I made it follow the sprite 2 that I drew so it looked like the cat was chasing the mouse.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Ya, Ya, Ya

This was a tutorial that taught you how to move people's bodies and put a sound to it at the same time. I imported a person sprite and went to control and imported when v key pressed. Then went to the sound ection and imprted a song or vocal called Ya. After that I went to the pinky purple section and chose play ya until done, I went to the purple section whick was looks and set whirl to 50. You shouldn't put the wait on for too long because it will look wierd. So 0.25 is good. You then set whirl to so it doesn't keep whirling around and makes the human look unatural but just return it to it's normal position.
Is this all you need to do-Ya, Ya, Ya!!